
Hello everyone,

One of the things I love about where I live is that I can see and hear so many different birds. I often see blackbirds, tits, swifts, redstarts, serins, crows, and black-headed gulls.

Growing up in the US, I often saw herons, egrets, ducks, seagulls, cardinals, wrens, woodpeckers, chaffinches, goldfinches, and blue jays.

What kind of birds do you see or hear where you live?

Quels genres d’oiseaux voyez-vous là où vous habitez ?

I look forward to reading your answers.



a blackbird: un merle

a tit: une mésange

a swift: un martinet

a black redstart: un rougequeue noir

a serin: un serin

a crow: une corneille

a black-headed gull: une mouette rieuse

a cardinal: un cardinal

a wren: un troglodyte

a woodpecker: un pic, un pivert

a chaffinch, a finch: un pinson

a goldfinch: un chardonneret

a blue jay : un géai bleu

a heron: un héron

an egret: une aigrette

a duck: un canard

a seagull: une mouette

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