Le hip-hop en anglais ! Aujourd’hui, Tessa vous propose un texte en anglais à propos de ce genre musical emblématique de la culture américaine contemporaine.
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Version audio – Le HIP-HOP en anglais
Texte en anglais – Hip-hop culture
Hello everyone,
Today, I want to talk to you about the birth of hip-hop music.
Hip-hop is a type of music. It is also a culture, or way of life. It includes many types of expression—for example, rapping, deejaying, dancing, and graffiti painting.

Hip-hop music often has pronounced beats and electronic sounds. It may also include other musical styles, such as jazz or rock and roll. Rap is usually set to hip-hop music. Rap is speech that has a rhythm and rhymes.

Another part of hip-hop music is deejaying. Deejays change the sound of recorded music in various ways. They may mix songs together or speed up or slow down a song’s beat.

New styles of dancing developed along with hip-hop music. Break dancing was one of the earliest styles. Break dancing is acrobatic. It includes moves such as spinning on the back and springing from the ground on the arms.

The hip-hop movement began in poor, mostly African American, parts of New York City in the 1970s. Young African Americans gathered at parties, where they developed rapping, deejaying, and break dancing.
The first rap song to become a national hit was “Rapper’s Delight” by the Sugarhill Gang. It came out in 1979. The song helped to spread hip-hop culture throughout the United States and the rest of the world.
Do you know any hip-hop songs?
See you later!
Vocabulaire et traductions : le hip-hop en anglais
Avez-vous tout compris du texte ci-dessus, dans lequel Tessa décrit les éléments de la culture hip-hop aux États-Unis ? Voyons maintenant quelques éléments de vocabulaire, avec traductions.
- Birth: la naissance
- to deejay: faire le DJ
- beat: le rythme
- to be set to: être mis en musique
- speech: la parole, l’expression orale
- rhyme: la rime
- to speed up: accélérer
- to slow down: ralentir
- to spin: tourner
- back: le dos
- to spring from: sauter de, bondir de
- ground: le sol
- to gather: se rassembler, se réunir
- to come out: sortir
- to spread: répandre, propager