Traveling and Itchy Feet

Hello everyone,

I’m starting to get itchy feet. I need to plan a trip to another country.

Do you know this expression?

“To get itchy feet” or “to have itchy feet” means to want to leave the place where you are and travel.

“To get itchy feet” / “to have itchy feet” = avoir la bougeotte

I have traveled to Canada, England, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Norway, Morocco, Switzerland, Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Mexico, Jamaica, and Japan. I would like to travel to Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, South Africa, and the Netherlands.

Do you get itchy feet sometimes? What countries have you visited? What countries would you like to discover?

Est-ce que vous avez la bougeotte ? Quels pays avez-vous déjà visités ? Quels pays aimeriez-vous découvrir ?

I look forward to reading your answers.



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