Bonjour à toutes et à tous !
Nous allons voir dans cette leçon les confusing words, c’est-à-dire les mots que l’on peut confondre en anglais, car il en existe un en français et deux ou trois en anglais.
A ce sujet, vous pouvez consulter la leçon sur les confusing verbs (c’est le même principe, mais pour les verbes) :
C’est parti donc pour les principaux confusing words !
time / weather
Exemples :
She spent time with her family last April.
What was the weather like in Britanny?
experience / experiment
She has a great experience dealing with customers.
An experiment is taking place in the laboratory.
foreigner / stranger
I love meeting foreigners as I can improve my English.
Don’t talk to strangers.
candidacy / application
Kamala Harris has announced her candidacy for Vice President of the USA.
Please send your application with your resume and cover letter.
story / history
Please tell us a funny story.
She loves watching documentaries about the history of World War II.
office / desk / study
His spouse goes to the office twice a week.
She’s working at her desk right now.
My sister is studying in the study close to her bedroom.
politics / policy
He doesn’t know much about politics in his own country.
The company policy for men is to wear a suit and a tie.
suit / costume
He usually wears dark suit at work.
I will put on my new brand costume for Halloween!
currency / change
The currency used in the UK is the pound (£).
Do you have change for a 20-euro bill please?
campaign / country(side)
I enjoyed listening to the 2020 US presidential campaign on NPR News.
They often go the country(side) at weekends.
Voilà maintenant, les confusing words n’ont plus de secret pour vous et vous ne ferez plus ces erreurs classiques de sens : à vous de jouer !